Let’s promote alcohol-free pregnancies (and support pregnant people)

No amount of alcohol is safe for a growing fetus—yet a 2003 survey found 1 in 10 Canadian women drank at least once during their pregnancy. Given the culture of alcohol that exists in Nova Scotia, we need to work extra-hard to promote alcohol-free pregnancies. September 9 is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day. …

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Enthusiastic consent (because yes means yes!)

It’s that time of year again—back to school. And back to the many relationships that are often our first awkward attempts at establishing romantic partnerships. Sometimes, we find our high school sweethearts. Other times, we simply stumble through relationships to discover what works for us. Enthusiastic Consent Years ago, feminists and sexual health educators fought sexual assault with the slogan “No …

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