What’s new at the Centre?

Even though it’s summer, we have been busy at the SHCLC. Here are a few of the things we’ve been up to!

Thanks to a lot of hard work by our summer student Alex and our previous ED Jean, our library is now up on Library Thing. Almost ALL of our books are online so you can browse the titles at your own pace. LibraryThing is a great resource that links you to topics and reviews. Plus, all of our new books are on there. We have some great new titles including Out in the Country and Sex and Disability.


There’s lots of new information going up on our website every day, including new FAQs researched by our amazing summer student Alex, as well as new information on how to volunteer with SHCLC and donate to the cause. Take a minute or two to browse our site and discover how we keep evolving for you!

The SHCLC is now on one of my favourite social media sites, Instagram. If you’d like a tour of the office before stopping by, you can check our Instagram profile. I like to post new resources literally as they come through the door, so follow us for the latest.

Online Chatting
Have a pressing question? Click the pop up box at the bottom of the screen on our website. You can chat live with the SHCLC if we’re at our desk. If we’re not there, you’ll see “Email us” which will send a confidential email directly to our office. We try our best to answer you as soon as possible, although we may not always be onsite. If you have an important medical question, you can also try 811 or your local walk-in clinic if you don’t have a family doctor or nurse practitioner.

We’ve always had lots of free condoms here at the SHCLC. However, it is understandable if you’re bit shy about coming in for a handful. Now you can pop in our door and pick up some free condoms and lube without climbing our stairs! It’s a great way to get the protection you need while remaining discreet. If you don’t see what you need there, come upstairs. We have lots of specialty condoms and oral dams. Plus, the office is completely confidential!

Condoms and Stairs

We’re always looking for great resources for our pamphlet library. We just got a new shipment from CATIE, including this gem on syphilis. Click here for the PDF! As a result of CATIE’s generosity, we have a number of fantastic brochures on HIV/AIDS. Stop by to see our pamphlets any time and take what you need.

Stay current by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Hope you have been having a great (and safe) summer.