Renovations continue

If you’ve tried to get to the Sexual Health Centre recently, you’ll notice your way is blocked by renovations! Although we are open and hope not to close, there are definitely changes afoot.

Lots is happening here at our home in Freeman House. The sounds of various power tools and the smell of sawdust is the norm here… at least until our bathroom and stairwell are done.

Here are some pictures of the work in progress. Some of them are a little grainy since I took them with my phone.

I can’t wait to show you “after” pictures of our area.

The original bathroom was yellow.
The original bathroom was yellow.
It also had wainscoting.
It also had wainscoting.
There are the walls.
There are the walls.
There's the toilet.
There’s the toilet.
The bare bones.
There are the bare bones.
The old wallpaper that was underneath it all.
There is the old wallpaper that was underneath it all.

Whenever you visit the Centre, walk carefully. We’re probably still in here, although I recommend trying the front door.

Stay safe and see you soon!